Manage or delegate a team member to pay incoming bills easily in the inDinero platform. Here, you may mark a bill as paid full or partially by either paying via ACH or Check or even match them to their corresponding transactions ie: if the bill was paid outside of inDinero.


Pay Bills

Option 1: Make a Payment Page

Step 1: Navigate to Bills > Make a Payment

Step 2: Select either the ACH or Check tab

ACH payments require setup with, Dwolla, inDinero's bill processor partner. Check out more information here.

Step 3: Choose a vendor and bill, a dropdown menu will then suggest current bills associated with the vendor.

Step 4: Continue on with prompted steps to finish payment.

Option 2: Bills List Page

Step 1: Navigate to Bills > Bills List

Step 2: Locate the desired bill from the list

Step 3: Select the Payment icon to the right of the bill’s description

In the payment form, you have two options:

  1. Select Transaction: Use this option if you know the transaction has already cleared the bank - this will allow you to easily populate the payment form with the existing transaction details: amount and date. Choose a transaction from the list and click Enter Payment.
  2. Enter Payment Information: Use this option if you would like to send the money now using ACH or Check OR you paid the bill outside inDinero, but you know the transaction has not yet cleared the bank. Choosing ACH or Check will save the payment record and automatically redirect you to the corresponding Send Money form to complete the payment.

Partial Payments

Step 1: Navigate to Bills > Bills List

Step 2: Select the bill you wish to pay and click the Payment icon

Step 3: In the Enter Payment box, choose your payment method —Check, ACH, or Other