Manage or delegate a team member to pay incoming bills easily in the inDinero platform. Here, you may mark a bill as paid full or partially by either paying via ACH or Check or even match them to their corresponding transactions ie: if the bill was paid outside of inDinero.
Step 1: Navigate to Bills > Make a Payment
Step 2: Select either the ACH or Check tab
ACH payments require setup with, Dwolla, inDinero's bill processor partner. Check out more information here.
Step 3: Choose a vendor and bill, a dropdown menu will then suggest current bills associated with the vendor.
Step 4: Continue on with prompted steps to finish payment.
Step 1: Navigate to Bills > Bills List
Step 2: Locate the desired bill from the list
Step 3: Select the Payment icon to the right of the bill’s description
Step 1: Navigate to Bills > Bills List
Step 2: Select the bill you wish to pay and click the Payment icon
Step 3: In the Enter Payment box, choose your payment method —Check, ACH, or Other